Book More Jewish Weddings with Pat Blackwell

#20 What does a mezuzah have to do with your company brand?

Pat Blackwell Season 1 Episode 20

Episode 20

Jewish Wedding Word of the Week:   Mezuzah 

A mezuzah is affixed to the doorframe of many Jewish homes. There is a parchment inscribed with a biblical verse which serves to protect the inhabitants.

The mezuzah signifies that all the residents of that home abide by a Jewish code of conduct.  This is very similar to your brand.  What expectations do clients have regarding your brand, and your beliefs and values?

Join Pat Blackwell here every week, where you, the BEST vendors,  expand your wedding business into this lucrative Jewish market. By  understanding the traditions & vocabulary, you will build TRUST and GROW your business.   Cha Ching

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  1. For information on how to get on the Jewish Party Maven Certified Vendor List just click here:  I want to get on that Certified Vendor list 
  2.   CLICK HERE to get the FREE DOWNLOAD JPM Top 12 Wedding Words the Best Vendors Know                

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mezuzah, jewish, brand, parchment, values, party, doorframe, damaged, customs, protect, door, important, conduct, scroll, morals, business, room, incredibly loyal, enter, howard schultz



Hello there, and welcome to episode number 20. Today our Word of the Week is mezuzah. A mezuzah is a parchment affixed to the door that tells the world that the inhabitants of the home have certain beliefs and custom. In your business, likely your brand says something about the beliefs and customs of your business. Do you like what your brand is saying? Or do you need to check your brand and make some improvements. As a Catholic farm girl in Minnesota, I certainly never expected to ever be the Jewish party maven. But 4400 parties and 26 years later, I am indeed an expert at Jewish party. I am fiercely committed to helping the best vendors with more parties in this amazing, lucrative and incredible, incredibly loyal Jewish party market.



Let's go.



Most Jewish homes and businesses have a mezuzah affixed to the entry door. It's a little piece of parchment in a decorative case, and it's inscribed with a specific Hebrew verse. It's hung on the doorframe as you enter it on the right side of the door. 



Mezuzah are hung at an angle slanting toward the greater part of the room. It should be placed a third of the way down from the top of the doorway. There's a special prayer to be recited as you have fixed the mezuzah to the doorframe. You should certainly have a mezuzah on your outside doorframe. But you might put one on each room in your house, except for a bathroom. 



Every room that's over 40 square feet can have its own mezuzah. You should install the mezuzah immediately after moving in. But certainly within 30 days. The parchment inside the mezuzah must be taken from a kosher animal, and the words must be handwritten by an expert scribe. Even the ink and the quill must be certain standards. This is very specific. 



The mezuzah case can be made of almost anything, plastic, wood, metal, ceramic, glass, anything that would hold up against the elements of the weather. There are lots of ways to make the mezuzah pretty and stylish, but what's most important is the quality of the scroll inside the casing. 



The same can be said for your business. Having a fancy logo is all well and good. But what about the quality of your product? That part is way more important. 



mezuzah literally translates to door post, and biblically it indicates that those inside the home are protected by God. harmful agents are denied access to the home. The mezuzah separate the Jewish Home from the outside world. The custom is that each time you pass through the doorway, you place your hand on the missus, as you pass through, and then kiss that hand. This is to remind you that God will protect you if you follow His commandments. mezuzah indicates that everyone residing in that home is Jewish, and they have certain beliefs. 



Basically, it's a code of conduct. If your business had a mezuzah, what would that parchment scroll say? Do you have a code of conduct? Of course you do. But do you clearly communicate your morals and your values and instill them upon all of your team? What is your company vision? Are these values and goals printed and visible each and every day? Or are they just some vague idea? Will your code of conduct help protect you from harm? Like a mezuzah does? A Jewish mezuzah on the doorpost gives all who enter a sense of what's to be expected from its inhabitants. 



Your business may not have a mezuzah, but it certainly has a brand. What does your brand mean to your clients and potential clients? What does your brand mean to your competitors? To the other vendors who make up this amazing wedding industry? Are your values and morals clear and consistent? every seven years, your mezuzah should be inspected to see if it's been damaged by the weather. 



There's a famous rabbi who suggested that people suffering from poor health should check the scroll inside the mezuzah to ensure it is still in good shape and not damaged. How about your business? Is it healthy Perhaps you need to check out your brand and what it says to your clients. Then see if your brand has been damaged and need some repair. 



There are tons and tons of branding quotes out there. Henry Ford once said, You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do. Warren Buffett says it takes 20 years to build the reputation and five minutes to tear it down. If you think about that, you'll do things differently. Howard Schultz, the former CEO of Starbucks says, if people believe they share values with a company, they will stay loyal to the brand.



Every week we try to learn a little more about the customs and traditions so important to our new Jewish clients. Join me here each and every Wednesday, as we learn new vocabulary, talk about customs and talk with business leaders. Thank you for listening and joining me here