Book More Jewish Weddings with Pat Blackwell

#14 Ketubah: Jewish Wedding Word

Pat Blackwell Season 1 Episode 14

What does a Jewish marriage license have in common with your business?  That ketubah is a loud & clear promise the couple makes to each other on their wedding day.  Your business should have loud & clear policies for your clients, your systems, and your team.

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  2.   CLICK HERE to get the FREE DOWNLOAD JPM Top 12 Wedding Words the Best Vendors Know                

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ketubah, jewish, clear, party, vendors, jewish wedding, wedding, jewish traditions, loud, important, business, bride, learn, traditions, couple, memory, witnesses, groom, promises, week



Welcome to the bookmark Jewish weddings with Pat Blackwell podcast. This is episode number 14. And today our Word of the Week is Ketubah. In any Jewish wedding the ketubah sign it as an important and very emotional part of the day. Unlike a legal marriage license issued by the government, Ketubahs can be an omni piece of art. Today we talk about Ketubahs and how the same reasons to be clear in your Ketubah would be good reasons to be clear in your business. As a Catholic farm girl in Minnesota, I certainly never expected to ever be the Jewish party man. But 4400 parties and 26 years later, I am indeed an expert at Jewish party.



I am fiercely committed to helping the best vendors book more parties in this amazing, lucrative and incredibly loyal Jewish party market.



Let's go.



This week's podcast is one called Jewish wedding Word of the Week. So let's get started with our new word this week Ketubah we'll do this the Jewish party Maven way. Step one. We will say it. Step two, we will see it and step three will save it in your brain by using it.



The word is Ketubah. So you know how it works. Step one, say it with me. Ketubah. Now, here's a little trick I learned from my DJ friends and I was reminded of it just this past weekend with an awesome party. I can't hear you say it again louder and clearer. Ketubah You're doing great.



So what does Ketubah mean? Well, literally, it means committed to writing. In Michigan, we are required to get a government license from the county where the ceremony takes place. In the Jewish world. There is a second license a Ketubah which commits to writing the promises made at the wedding.



ketubah is spelled k e t like Tom u b like boy, ah like Harry, Ketubah. Most Jewish words have several spellings. But this one is pretty consistently spelled just like I said.



So step two. Let's see it. You know how to say it. I told you we would say it, see it and save it.



So it's time to see it on a podcast. If you've listened to this podcast before you know what's coming.



We've played memory games to visualize and help you remember those important Jewish wedding words. So now picture this, clear your brain and picture this. You are about to sneeze



Ketubah Did you think I was gonna say cut you come on now Today's word is Ketubah



If you were then likely you remember that the tuba is loud and very clear. It's the same with a wedding Ketubah. It is a loud and clear promise the couple makes on their wedding day.



So let's visualize this again. Ca, Ca Ca Ketubah. See how easy that was? visualization is a powerful tool. So every time you see the word Ketubah hopefully you'll think of this silly memory game and you'll remember that Ketubah means the loud and clear promises made at the wedding.



A ketubah is a Jewish marriage contract. it very clearly outlines the rights and responsibilities of the groom in relation to the bride. In modern times the Ketubah has no monetary value and is generally not enforced by civil court, except in Israel.



In the first century BC, the Ketubah text was formalized, and it really hasn't changed much over those 2000 years. Much of that same text is still used in Orthodox Jewish ceremonies.



As a practical matter, it is important that a ketubah be signed with ink that won't fade over time. So sign with an archival ink pen, the ketubah must be signed by the rabbi and the witnesses. Historically, the bride and groom did not have to sign their own Ketubah. But that's changed recently.



These days, a ketubah is less a legal document and more a piece of art. It can be as simple as some words on a standard eight and a half by 11 paper, or it can be an elaborate piece of artwork hanging on the wall. Just go to to see the amazing variety of art and writing on a ketubah. Often, this is the first piece of art the couple chooses together, and it's proudly displayed in their home.



Some cartoons have poetry, some have images of their favorite tree or their dog. This is a time when the couple has lots of options and consumers are very personalized. But the writing on the ketubah is the loud and clear promise that the couple makes to each other. And a Quinlan the offer of loud and clear says the biggest mistake I made as a parent is the one that most of us make. I did not live in the moment enough.



This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. With COVID, we've been reminded of how important human contact is. How important celebrating is. Whether you are the parents or the bride or groom or a guest. It's important to live in the moment. As a red coat lady managing your wedding, one of our most important roles is to make sure that you can live in the moment. That's celebration less only a few hours. How many memories can you create during those hours? Do you want your memory to be stressing out about the caterer or serving fast enough? Or who is walking down the aisle next? Or whose speeches next? Or do you want your memory to be one of celebration?



Let me be like a Ketubah loud and clear. The correct answer is to be smart enough to let someone else take care of those pesky details on your big day. The red coat ladies take great pride in handling all of the behind the scenes details so that you can enjoy this party that you have worked so hard to plan.



I think you understand Ketubah by now. So let's do a review. Say it, Ketubah, see it? Ca, CA, Ca Ketubah. That loud and clear instrument in the band is like the loud and clear promises made at a wedding.



Save it in your brain. The ketubah is signed and witnessed just before the Chuppah ceremony. It is the loud and clear promise the couple makes to each other on their wedding day.



In this business, we know that referrals can account to upwards of 80% of our business. Do you want to make more money this year? Then you're in the right place. People want to work with vendors they know they like and they trust. When you learn the Jewish traditions and customs, you earn that trust and grow your business. How do you get more referrals? Well, you absolutely have to understand the Jewish traditions, period. This is all about you and how to build trust and grow your business. I'm going to lead you every step of the way. You can join me here every week as we learn traditions and vocabulary. You might be thinking you don't have time for all this. Well, if your business is slow, like mine is right now you have to ask yourself, when will you ever have more time? This year, we actually have time to work on our business instead of in our business. I'm glad you're here. Thanks for tuning in.



You're a rock star just for showing up. You're proving that you're ahead of most other vendors. By joining me every week, you'll learn one new word that you can use when you're booking your new



Jewish clients. Yes, you heard me right, your new Jewish clients touching. Just click the link in the show notes or go to Jewish party Maven. If you'd like to learn more, follow me on Facebook or Instagram at Jewish party Maven. I really appreciate your thoughts and your feedback about the show. I've learned that reviews are like gold. So all your rock stars leave me review and thanks for listening today. Talk to you next week.